


  This is Fukiko's first article.  My blog topic is abot “Japanese -Rock Music”.
I'll introduce my favorite bands, concerts ,  CDs, and so on.
     When I was a high school student, I bought this CD.

     The CD's title is
“RADWIMPS 3 -The Disc Which was Fogotten Being Brought to a Desert Island-”
(RADWIMPS3 ~無人島に持っていき忘れた一枚~)

This CD was released by RADWIMPS , which is Japanese-Rock band.
     Here is the members.(L→R)
Satoshi Yamaguchi(Drums)
Yojiro Noda(Vocal and Guitar)
Yusuke Takeda(Bass)
Akira Kuwahara(Guitars)
 All songs and lyrics are written by Yojiro.
He is retunee student from Tennessee,  U.S., so he can sing English songs fluently.
He made a lot of English songs.
This CD made me start to listening to J-Rock music.
I was so suprised at the rhythmic and clever lyrics.
Moreover, the others member's playing are also skillful.
If you play back this CD at first time, the first lyric you hear is
Yes, I believe in a miracle.” 
(Truck-1 4645)
What is Yojiro singing about ?
Many kinds of emotions- love, hate, sorrow, despair, happiness, etc- are contained in this CD. 
You must be enjoyrable ,listening their songs.

☆Thank you for reading☆



This is 4th album.

6 件のコメント:

  1. Looks like an interesting band. I've heard their name, but I don't know their music.

  2. I think I might try to find some of their music. Which CD should I start with?

    1. Hard to choice...but I recommend you the 3rd album (I wrote about this in this article) and 4th. These two have clearer RADWIMPS's view than 1st or 2nd, I guess.

      3rd has many songs which have the various themes, but 4th has only love songs except for couple of them.

      I'll put the photo of 4th jacket at the bottom of this article, so I'd love for you to look for them at CD stores or rental shops.
      Thank you for comments!

  3. Thanks! I might try to find it at Tsutaya. What a funny picture on the cover!

  4. RADWIMPS is one of my favorits!

    1. Yeah!Yojiro is so cool guy・・・!! Do you know they are to release their new album this month?
