
NICO Touches the Walls

This is the third article by Fukiko.

Do you know NICO Touches the Walls?

 That is one of  Japanese Rock bands.

・Daisuke Furumura  (Guitar)
・Syotaro Tushima  (Drums)
・Tatsuya Mitsumura (Vocal&Guitar)
・Shingo Sakakura (Bass)
I have been interested in them since only half a year ago.
However, I often listen to their songs agaian and again.
Tatsuaya Mitsumura, nickname of “Micchan”,  looked so slender for me, but I was surprised at his storong, high-pitched, Rocker voice at my first listening.
Their lyrics are not so difficult to understand.
Also they seems to try to many musical challenges.
Moreover, they seem to be so funny guys!
You'll understand the atomsphere of them if you watch here.
This is their latest album.
 I love this so much.
NICO Touches the Walls 5th album
Shout to the Walls!
☆Thank you for reading!☆

2 件のコメント:

  1. This band's music is much more to my taste than that of the Radwimps. Interesting name. What does it mean?

    1. That was named by Micchan.
      He said “Touching walls means creating a new world over the wall, leading our daily lives. ”

      He came up with the name when he straggered and quickly touched the wall at the lavatory...(゜-゜)

      Thanks for a comment!
